I’m Back

People never seem to know what to do in the quiet.

Embarrassed boy-666803_1920This line from my current work-in-progress strikes me as emblematic of my current writing problem: My blog voice has been silent for a very long time. In the quiet of those weeks, then months stretching between posts, I had no idea what to write. Embarrassed by my failure to remain faithful to my self-promise to post once a month, I started pretending I didn’t have a blog at all. That became a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I’m not blogging, of course I have no blog.

As I often do when I find myself wallowing in self-pity and self-doubt, I turned to Anne Lamott’s book Bird by Bird. She tells a story about her brother who had three months to write a report on birds, but waited until the day before the report was due to start. Understandably overwhelmed by the task ahead of him, he sat staring at the books and paper in front of him, close to tears of despair.

Their wise Bluejay 00423father—a writer himself—put his arms around Lamott’s brother and said, “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.”

That story speaks to me because I am a writer who loves birds. So I am going to get back into this blog thing bird by bird, post by post, and month by month.

Books, Kids, and Cats—Purrfect Together

I seem to be ping-ponging between inspiring teen stories and inspiring animal stories. It’s only natural. I’m a writer of YA stories. And as a lifelong cat lover, I spend a lot of time thinking about cats, playing with cats, and catering to the every whim of the three cats that adopted me.

Cats are even dominating my writing time. My current work-in-progress is a young adult novel about a cat-hating runaway who finds herself living in a shelter for homeless cats. Dare I hope that the cats will win over Abi Rose?

But I digress.

For me, the perfect day is relaxing in a comfy chair with a cat on my lap and a book in my hands. So I was intrigued to learn about the many programs springing up around the country encouraging children to read to shelter cats.

A Reader Is Born

Photo by David Peterson http://www.digital-photo-secrets.com/tip/6020/photographing-human-animal-bond/

Photo by David Peterson

The program that seems to have started it all is the Book Buddies Program run by the Animal Rescue League (ARL) of Berks County, Pennsylvania.

Go on. Check out the website. The first picture alone is worth the visit. I dare you not to exclaim “AWWWW!”

In 2013, then-ARL program coordinator Kristi Rodriguez was at her wits’ end trying to help her young son improve his reading skills. Like many reluctant or slow readers, he had particular difficulty reading aloud in front of his classmates.

Studies at Tufts University suggested, “Human-animal interaction can make the learning process more comfortable and enjoyable for children.” Studies also showed that animals could be a “non-evaluative presence that can provide support and comfort to participants without judging them.”

Rodriguez was ready to try any approach that might help her son. She took him to the shelter and suggested he read aloud to the homeless cats living there.

He enjoyed it so much, he begged to return. Eventually, his reading improved, and he began reading aloud at home to the family dogs.

A Win-Win Situation

Rodriguez noticed that the cats seemed to enjoy the attention as well.

Many strays that land in shelters have been abused or alone for so long they are frightened of human contact. But Rodriguez’s son wasn’t trying to play with them or pet them. He was simply reading. Soon, even the most skittish cats seemed to calm down when he came for his visits.

Rodriguez wondered if the cats would benefit from regular visits with other children reading to them. Thus, Book Buddies was born.

Today, homeschooled children, Brownie Troops, autistic children, and other students in grades 1 through 8 participate in the Book Buddies Program. They read to the cats and, yes, play with those that feel comfortable enough to do so.

Shelters in other states, including North Carolina, Georgia, and Illinois, have teamed with libraries to launch similar programs.

In Indiana, the Johnson County Animal Shelter teamed up with Webb Elementary School.

Jennifer Bartram, literacy specialist at Webb, worked with shelter director Michael Delp to launch a reading-to-animals program for her second to fourth graders.

“It gives the kids an opportunity to practice reading in front of an audience that’s not going to judge them and then they’re also learning the importance of volunteering and giving back to the community,” she says.

Delp says the reading program brings noticeable benefits to the shelter cats as well. “I’ve seen some animals that are really normally agitated and anxious settle down, lay down in their kennels, and listen to the kids and watch the kids as they read to them.”

I’m all for any program that introduces kids to the idea that reading can be fun and that also helps socialize shelter cats—and dogs—and make them more likely to find their forever homes.

Remember: If you want to add a cat or dog to your family, ADOPT. Please do not go to pet stores or breeders or puppy mills.

The cats and dogs in shelters need homes. They need you.

Don’t let them down.

Recommended Reading

Although Trouper by Meg Kearney and illustrated with paintings by the incomparable E.B. Lewis is not about a boy who reads to dogs, it is a heartwarming book based on a true rescue story. Animal lovers of all ages will enjoy this book.

Read it to your favorite child, cat, or dog.



From Homeless Shelter to College Dorm

I remember high school.

• The stress of keeping up in class.

• The jealousy, hurt feelings, and shifting loyalties of friends and frenemies.

• Parents telling me to work harder so I could win a scholarship to help pay for college.

• The teacher who crushed my soul when he declared my SAT scores a “disappointment” for someone as “gifted” as I was.

Despite all the perceived “tragedies” I faced, I had a home to return to at the end of the day—a tiny twin home on a tiny street in Philadelphia, but more than big enough for my parents and me.

Destyni Tyree deals with the same issues I dealt with when I was 16 years old. IMG_0351-e1439839834467

• She goes to school every day.

• She keeps up with her after-school job.

• She tries to stay busy with extra-curricular activities and find time for friends.

• She dreams of going to college.

But far from living in her own home, she is a resident of one of the most overcrowded homeless shelters in Washington, DC. I’m sure she would give anything to live in a single-family home or apartment, no matter how “tiny.”

That is not the hand Fate dealt her.

Overcoming the Slings and Arrows

A few years ago, Destyni’s mother lost her job, forcing the family to move into a homeless shelter. Life was hard. No privacy. No space. No hope.

Destyni was angry. So angry she fought with her mother, her teachers, and other students. She transferred from school to school, finding trouble everywhere she went until her mother enrolled her at Roosevelt STAY, an alternative high school in Washington, DC.

Switching to STAY switched a light bulb in her head. She decided she wanted to be a good role model for her younger sister. She realized if she wanted to avoid living in shelters forever she had to take charge of her life.

Girl, did she ever take charge.

Destyni not only attended regular classes at STAY High School, she enrolled in online classes, took weekend classes, and attended summer school. Suddenly, she was in a hurry. She finished high school in only two years.

“Quite frankly, I’m just ready to go and live life,” she says. “I know there’s a better life out there for me.”

A Well-Rounded Life Well Lived

graduation-cap-in-airBut Destyni doesn’t just have her head stuck in books—although her studiousness and hard work garnered her a 4.0 GPA and a full scholarship to Potomac State College of West Virginia University.

She also formed the first-ever cheerleading squad at STAY and became team captain. Her classmates selected her Prom Queen, and she works 25 hours a week at an ice cream parlor.

STAY Principal Eugenia Young calls her “a natural leader,” “a joy to be around,” and a person with “a good heart.”

Destyni didn’t let Fate have the final say in her life.

“We’re not a statistic and we’re not all the same,” she says of her family and other homeless families.

Her goal is to one day give back to the community that encouraged her by becoming a school principal.

I have no doubt that Destyni will reach her goal.

Rescue Dog to the Rescue

I’m taking a detour from stories about inspiring teens to write about an inspiring dog. My current work-in-progress has a no-kill shelter for cats as its setting, so this detour isn’t too far off my beaten path.

German shepherds make loyal family pets.

German shepherds make loyal family pets.

Anyone who has read my posts—or looked at the pictures on this site—knows I’m a cat person. In fact, I’m a bit frightened of most dogs.

But I’m sure I would love Haus, the two-year-old German shepherd adopted in March who repaid his new family in spades in May when he saved his young owner from a rattlesnake.

Fearless Haus

Donya and Adam DeLuca say that Haus is a “goofy, happy-go-lucky dog” that everyone loves. He is also very protective of their two children, barking at strangers and “sweeping the yard” whenever he goes out with Molly, 7, and Joey, 4.

Those protective instincts went into high gear when a rattlesnake slithered into the family backyard while Molly was playing. She didn’t see the snake, but Haus did. Molly’s grandmother, who was babysitting that day, later reported that Haus jumped in front of her granddaughter and then leapt backward several times.

They didn’t realize what happened right away, but Haus was limping and bleeding, so they took him to BluePearl Veterinary Hospital. The dog’s condition quickly worsened, and he was having difficulty breathing. Only when the vets shaved his leg did they see three bite marks.

Based on the size of the bites, vets believe that Haus was bitten by an eastern diamondback rattlesnake, one of the deadliest snakes in North America.

The venom affected Haus’s kidneys and red blood cells, prompting the doctors to administer a continuous drip of anti-venom medication when normally only two or three injections are given to counteract a snakebite.

Saving Haus

Haus spent more than a week in intensive care, receiving a blood transfusion, IV fluids, and pain medication in addition to the anti-venom serum.

The DeLucas never wavered in their determination to save Haus.

To help with the vet bills, they set up a GoFundMe account. Donations poured in from across the United States and from people as far away as Sweden, quickly surpassing their goal. They have since taken down the account.

The family plans to donate the funds that exceed their vet bills to Heidi’s Legacy Rescue, the shelter where they found Haus, as well as to other local animal rescues. They hope that Haus’s story encourages people to think first of adopting adult pets rather than puppies or kittens.

The “Heroic Dog Award”

A representative from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) visited the family and presented Haus with the “Heroic Dog Award” in recognition of his bravery. PETA also gave him a “doggie bag” containing a blanket, an eco-friendly squeaky toy, a Nylabone, and a bag of vegan dog treats.

Now home with his family, Haus continues his recovery and basks in all the well-deserved attention.

Before long, however, I’m sure Haus will be back at his post, sweeping the yard and protecting his grateful family.

Save a Life; Adopt a Shelter Animal

I’m a big proponent of adopting animals from shelters rather than purchasing them from breeders or stores. So many puppies and kittens are born, and so many older pets languish when their owners die. It’s heartbreaking to think of the unwanted animals on the streets and in shelters.

Pandora, the Muse Cat

Pandora, the Muse Cat

I’ve owned fifteen cats during my life, and eleven have come from animal rescue groups. We adopted the other four from family members or friends whose cats had given birth to kittens. (This is a good time to proclaim my other mantra: Spay or neuter your pets!)

Every one of those cats has enriched my life in some way.

• As a child, I learned to be responsible for my cats.

• As a teenager, I found confidantes when I couldn’t bear to tell my secrets to another human.

• As an adult, I even had one cat that made sure I wrote every day. As soon as I cleared away the breakfast dishes, Pandora went to the foot of the stairs until I followed her up to my office. Then she sat next to me and purred inspiration as I wrote.

I can’t imagine life without a cat sharing it with me.

No Excuses: Stick That Landing!

I find it easy to make excuses for myself.No excuses_8714066449_fe3b1db477

• I didn’t meet a deadline because I wanted to make sure my story was absolutely perfect.

• I didn’t visit a friend as I promised because I was tired.

• I didn’t clean up the kitchen because . . . well . . . I hate to clean.

Those are all sad, sad excuses.

Sixteen-year-old Kate Foster, on the other hand, had the perfect excuse for giving up gymnastics.

She didn’t take it.

Kate’s Motto: Modified, Not Broken

Growing up in Rockford, Illinois, Kate Foster was like many little girls. She enjoyed spending time with her family and friends. She went to school. But, as she told Good Morning, America, she never found anything she liked as much as gymnastics. Her mother said she eagerly went to extra practices. She dreamed of competing on a national level.

At age twelve, Kate was living her dream as a level 5 gymnast when tragedy struck.

Diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, she needed a life-saving bone marrow transplant. Although her younger sister was a perfect match, Kate contracted an infection in her left leg that doctors could not control. The only way to eliminate the infection was to amputate the leg.

Kate’s first reaction was to tell the doctors she would not allow them to amputate the leg. She needed it for gymnastics. But doctors told her she had to make a difficult choice: Lose the leg and save her life. Save the leg and lose her life.

Ultimately, Kate chose life and the doctors amputated the leg. After the surgery, her father told her that she was “modified, not broken,” and she would need to find new ways to do all the things she loved.

Although she was fitted with a prosthetic leg, continuing her gymnastics training seemed out of reach, especially after she suffered a relapse. She underwent more rounds of chemotherapy, a second bone marrow transplant, and long stays at University of Wisconsin-Madison Children’s Hospital and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis.

Kate Sticks Her Landing

Kate wrestled with the agony of having to give up her lifelong dream.

Shawn Johnson at the 2008 Summer Olympics.
Photo by Judy Shen

The most important thing a competitive gymnast must do is stick her landing. Leave the judges with that final image of power, grace, and control.

How could someone with one leg stick her landings?

Then, her coach told her something that changed Kate’s perspective. Her coach said, “I’ve never coached a one-legged gymnast before. I’m willing to try if you are.”

Kate was willing.

Kate returned to training. She had to relearn everything: all the moves, how to balance on the balance beam, how to tumble, and how to stick those all-important landings.

Now cancer-free, Kate is competing at the national level once again. She must meet the same standards as her competitors—all of whom have two healthy legs. She must complete the same tricks and compete on the same apparatus.

She does, indeed, stick her landings.

Kate’s experiences have given her a long view of life. She knows that her gymnastics career will someday end. But she already has a new goal in sight: she wants to be a doctor.

Who dares doubt she will achieve that goal?

What is the greatest challenge you’ve faced when working toward your goals? When you face doubts or setbacks, how do you overcome them?

Teens Give Animals a Second Chance

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Our nation has a long way to go regarding treatment of animals. Whether it’s our pets, farm and zoo animals, or wildlife, some people look on animals more as possessions than as living creatures of value. In contrast, two teenagers from Colorado believe that “every animal, no matter the personality or species, deserves a second chance.”

Ariana Brooks and Tabitha Musich, both 16 years old, have been lifelong animal lovers. No animal is too insignificant to escape their care. From moving grasshoppers out of the road to rescuing abused farm animals to reuniting cats and dogs with their owners, the teens have been saving animals for as long as they can remember. Last year, Ariana and Tabitha opened Save a Soul Animal Rescue. Located on the five-acre and forty-acre homesteads known as Cottontail Acres and Western Skies Ranch in Calhan, Colorado, Save a Soul is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) animal rescue. Since its founding last year, Save a Soul has rescued twenty animals.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”—Anatole France

Easter chicks are often abandoned after the holiday excitement wears off.The girls take the work seriously. They are not simply rescuing animals and leaving their future welfare to chance. With the help of volunteers and community fund-raisers, they provide love and attention to every animal that Save a Soul takes in, and they ensure that every animal is spayed or neutered and receives any necessary medical treatment and proper immunizations. They have developed a rigorous interview process to screen the people who want to adopt their animals to ensure that every animal goes to a safe, loving forever home.

Sometimes, despite their best efforts, a new home doesn’t work out. When this happens, Ariana and Tabitha take the animal back and look for a new home. All animals that cannot be placed in the community will make Cottontail Acres their forever home.

The question is not, “Can they reason?” nor “Can they talk?” but “Can they suffer?”?Jeremy Bentham

Rescued SistersSome people consider the plight of humans and the plight of animals an either/or proposition. You either care about the welfare of humanity OR you care about the welfare of animals. You cannot do both.

In reality, a generous soul finds room for all living creatures and finds ways to treat all with kindness and compassion. Ariana and Tabitha exemplify what one or two people can accomplish if they care enough and work hard enough.

Animal rescues come and go. It’s a difficult calling. Tabitha and Ariana are determined to continue their work rescuing creatures that cannot save themselves.

On this Presidents’ Day, consider what this quote from Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, means to you: “I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.”

Their Brother’s—and Sister’s—Keeper

Imagine receiving a personal message from a revered world leader recognizing your commitment to resolving a global crisis.

A group of teens assisting immigrants along the Arizona-Mexico border don’t have to use their imaginations. In December 2014, Pope Francis (@Pontifex) sent them a letter after learning of their work advocating for more humane immigration legislation.

Known as the Kino Teens, the young people sent messages to the pope describing their mission and asking him to visit the border. In his response, Pope Francis praised them for showing “a church that extends to the world the culture of solidarity and care.” He exhorted them “not to tire in their labor . . . against discrimination and exclusion.”

Photo by http://www.flickr.com/photos/ep_jhu/5046106632/ cc 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode

Photo by http://www.flickr.com/photos/ep_jhu/5046106632/ cc 2.0

The Kino Teens, who are students at Lourdes Catholic School in Nogales, Arizona, are part of a larger organization, the Kino Border Initiative (KBI). Founded in 2009 by a group of Catholic organizations in the United States and Mexico, KBI describes itself as dedicated to helping “make humane, just, workable migration between the U.S. and Mexico a reality.”

They not only study principles of social justice and learn about the plight of immigrants, they literally “walk the walk.” They spend time on the trails migrants use to cross from Mexico into the United States and work in the comedor, the KBI soup kitchen that serves deported migrants. In this way, they experience for themselves the difficulties migrant families face when they undertake the difficult and dangerous journey.

Kino Teens have spoken to teens at other schools about their experiences, hoping to rally others to their cause and raise awareness about the plight of immigrants. They also visit farmers and ranchers near the border to learn how illegal immigration affects them. They sell “credo” bracelets to raise money for the comedor and speak to state and national leaders about immigration.

Who among us is not descended from immigrants? Ordinary Americans and political leaders alike can talk about the legality of illegal immigration. But there are faces behind the headlines—the faces of people fleeing real danger and hardship in their homelands.

With their passion for and commitment to the plight of migrants, the Keno Teens are living examples of vibrant social justice in action. To learn more about the migrant experience, check out the books on the KBI website.

When the Going Gets Tough . . .

With the U.S. women’s national soccer team winning the 2015 World Cup championship and ballerina Misty Copeland rising to the rank of principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, it’s been a banner summer for pioneering women and girls.

"The Ballet Class" Edgar Degas

The Ballet Class
Edgar Degas

Achieving the rank of principal dancer is difficult for anyone. Misty Copeland faced additional obstacles as an African American. On top of that, as one of six children living in poverty with their single mother, she had no opportunity to attend the ballet let alone take classes.

Many others have written about the significance of Misty’s rise to the top of the ballet world. (Search for “Misty Copeland” and you will find additional articles and interviews.) For me, beyond the issue of race, a key part of the story is her faith in herself.

As an African American, Misty had few role models. Although she had a gifted and supportive mentor in Raven Wilkinson, she saw a world of white when she looked at the stage: white leotards and white tutus, white skin.

Despite that, she refused to allow others to dissuade her from becoming a classical ballerina. In an Under Armour commercial viewed by nearly 9 million people on YouTube, we see Misty dance as she reads from rejection letters giving a litany of reasons why she could not be a ballet dancer.

I don’t know that I could overcome such devastating rejection. She was the wrong body type and had the wrong feet? She was too short? Everything the ballet academies rejected about her were essential to who she was and what she looked like. They could not see her as a ballet dancer because so many of her component parts did not fit the classic ideal.

Misty finally had the opportunity to take ballet class when she turned 13. Although many considered her “too old to be considered,” she had caught a glimpse of a wondrous world, and her hard work and talent soon won her both critical acclaim and scholarships to continue her training. By the time she was 15—two short years after beginning her training—Misty was performing and winning recognition as an up-and-coming ballet star.

Misty Copeland as Swanhilda in "Coppelia" By Gilda N. Squire Gildasquire

Misty Copeland as Swanhilda in Coppelia
By Gilda N. Squire Gildasquire

She didn’t stop there.

She set her sights not only on becoming a professional ballet dancer, but also on dancing for one of the world’s premier ballet companies. Even after she achieved her dream of dancing with the American Ballet Theatre, she still wrestled with doubts about herself. Yet she continued to work, she never gave up, and she set new goals.

We all fall prey to self-doubt whether we’re the student waiting to hear if he’s been accepted to his dream college or the athlete hoping to make her varsity soccer team. It’s how we face those self-doubts that defines us.

So often the difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who fall short is not a lack of talent but a lack of faith. In a previous post I quoted philosopher William James who said, “People by and large become what they think of themselves.”

What dreams do you nurture for yourself? What obstacles have you faced? What do you think of yourself?

Harness Your Superpower

 Emma Swan on the TV series Once Upon a Time claims that her superpower allows her to tell when people are lying. Any long-time viewer of this show knows that Emma’s superpower needs some serious recharging.

Peter Zucca, on the other hand, has no such problem.

As a fourth grader, Peter won first place in the 2014 “Breaking Barriers: In Sports, In Life Essay Contest,”  telling the story of how he has persevered through his lifelong battle against cancer.

Jackie Robinson: Breaking Barriers https://www.facebook.com/JackieRobinson/photos/

Jackie Robinson: Breaking Barriers

•  Doctors first diagnosed his cancer when Peter was 10 months old. They didn’t expect him to live much beyond his first birthday. He is now 12 years old.

•  He received 51 units of blood before his second birthday.

•  He’s undergone 13 surgeries.

•  At 10 years old, he endured the painful lengthening of his right leg, which failed to grow properly because of all the chemotherapy and radiation.

•  Just as Peter was learning to walk again, doctors had to amputate his right leg after discovering a lump—and a new type of cancer. Now Peter must use a prosthetic leg.

A Lifetime of Helping Others

I don’t know about you, but a litany of setbacks like that would make me want to hide in a dark room. Or at least take a long nap.

But Peter is made of sterner stuff.

Peter’s essay won the “Breaking Barriers” contest because organizers felt that his story best exemplified the values Jackie Robinson demonstrated when he became the first black player to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball: commitment, citizenship, courage, determination, excellence, justice, persistence, teamwork and integrity.

Bill Branson/ National Cancer Institute

Bill Branson/
National Cancer Institute

Peter’s life exemplifies those qualities and more. Not only did he refuse to let cancer beat him, through the Peter Powerhouse Foundation he’s also dedicating his young life to helping other children who are battling cancer.

•  From his own experience, he knows that kids prefer to ride wagons instead of wheelchairs when they are navigating the hospital halls or going for tests and other medical procedures. He raised the funds to buy 100 wagons for the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware.

• When Peter learned some young patients were not able to get the blood they needed, he organized blood drives in his community with the help of the Red Cross.

• Peter also suffered hearing loss as a result of the chemotherapy and radiation. When he tried to learn what that hearing loss would mean in his life, he says he found that most books about kids coping with hearing loss were terrible. So he wrote his own book, Peter Learns to Listen. If the family cannot find a publisher, they plan to self-publish.

• Peter says his next project will be raising funds to purchase special goggles that play movies while children are getting an MRI so they will not have to be sedated during the procedure.

 Planning for the Future

Some days that means planning an afternoon playing basketball with his friends.

Some days that means training for his next 5K race.

Ultimately, Peter says he wants to be a pitcher for a major league baseball team.

When I read about people like Peter, I am ashamed of the way I sometimes deal with life’s difficulties. I’m also inspired to do better—not only for myself but also for others dealing with life circumstances more difficult than my own.

What challenges have you faced in your life? What personal superpower can you call on to help you weather that challenge? How can you harness your superpower for the good of others?


Visions of Sugar Plums

Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable.
Margot Fonteyn, English ballerina

’Tis the season for The Nutcracker. From extravagant creations produced by professional companies like the Pennsylvania Ballet and American Ballet Theatre to humble productions offered by community ballet schools, The Nutcracker is an annual treat of magic, music, and dance.

© Copyright William Starkey and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

© Copyright William Starkey and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The first time I saw the ballet I was as frightened of Herr Drosselmeyer and the Mouse King as young Clara was. I was more interested in Clara’s story and her trip to the Kingdom of the Sweets than in all the “boring” dances. Each year my appreciation for the ballet grew. As a piano student, I soon focused on Tchaikovsky’s evocative music. Eventually, I fell under the spell of the main event: the dancing.

One young dancer in Wilmington, Delaware, will be onstage this season dancing three roles in the First State Ballet Theatre’s production of The Nutcracker. However, she will not be seeing visions of sugar plums. Unlike the others onstage with her, Jamie Meyer is legally blind.

When she was thirteen years old, Jamie was diagnosed with Startgardt disease, a type of macular degeneration that causes progressive vision loss. Fortunately, she has studied ballet since the age of three and so mastered the technical basics of ballet before she began losing her vision. Her fellow dancers at First State Ballet did not realize she had visual impairments until she revealed her secret in October 2014.

How often do we make excuses for ourselves when we come up against any obstacles? Whether we are trying to master a new skill or finish our latest novel, how often do we excuse our lack of progress?

“I was sick.”

“I work full-time.”

“I’m studying for finals.”

Students of the Brighton Ballet Theatre

Students of the Brighton Ballet Theatre

Imagine performing intricate dance moves onstage that require perfect unison with other dancers—and you cannot clearly see them? How many times was Jamie Meyer tempted to quit because her vision continued to deteriorate even as she progressed from ballet student to professional ballerina? Talk about someone with a strong will and unwavering faith in herself and her talent.

The body can do amazing things in a situation when it is really called for.
Suzanne Farrell, American ballerina

Although many of us focus on the dancing snowflakes, flowers, and Sugar Plum Fairy,  I had it right as a child: the heart of The Nutcracker is the faith and devotion of one little girl. That faith and devotion are perfect reflections of the strength it takes to be a ballet dancer, which is a short and difficult career. Some dancers, like Jamie Meyer, face even more difficult challenges than the typical ballet dancer. But they dance on, because they love to dance.

We all need the same faith and devotion to achieve our own dreams.

What obstacles are getting in the way of your dreams? What are you going to do about it?